Intellectual property is subdivided onto two categories: Industrial property – patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial samples and geographical indications. Copyright – literary works (for example, romances, poems, lyrics, plays), movies, music, artworks (for example, drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural projects.
Adjacent rights include the rights of performers for the performed creations and compositions, the phonogram producers’ rights for their recordings and those of broadcasting organizations for radio- and television programs.
In accordance with the Legislation the applications of foreign applicants may be submitted by Russian patent attorneys – the users of the electronic application system.
For all the questions regarding the intellectual property results please refer to Intellectual and Industrial Property Department (IIPD). Here they will help you to choose an appropriate format of legal protection and will advise on further actions for obtaining a patent.
Contact person: Svetlana I. Kuleshova - Head of IIPD.
Phone number: +7(495) 223-05-23 Ext. 1461 E-mail:
The information about Russian Intellectual property results one may find at the FIIP site in the sections “All services” and “Open Registers”. For more correct and full information about patent search, foreign inventions and useful models please refer to the “Rospatent” site.